Forums » Behavior

General practitioners' familiarity with medication side effects

    • 419 posts
    December 26, 2017 3:25 PM EST

    This question was submitted by an attendee of our webinar on Case Studies in Behavior: Anxiety, Fear, Panic:

    In today's world would a generalist DVM be able to recognize all of the medication side effects  and effects or is that unique to a DVM-DACVB?

  • December 26, 2017 3:38 PM EST

    That depends on the generalist.  Remember, primary care veterinarians have to know everything about every spe​cies.  They even have to know a fair amount about human medical and psychological issues.  Many primary care vets have their favorite topics within all of the things they do.  If veterinary behavior is one of them, any primary care veterinarian can learn the details about psychoactive medications including side effects.  However, they may or may not have time or the inclination.  Most veterinarians are very honest about their skill sets, thankfully, and many are eager to refer if needed and if a veterinary behaviorist is close.