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2016 AVMA Convention

    • 151 posts
    August 15, 2016 1:14 PM EDT

    I'm just back from San Antonio and the 2016 AVMA Convention where we revealed VetVine's "refreshed" logo and new mantra encouraging professionals to "work smart, live well." The 100% lavender essential oil we were diffusing at our booth was quite a hit, and new premium members were treated to a gift of essential oil to take away.


    VetVine contributors joined me in meeting and greeting veterinary professionals from around the world. Big thanks go out to Dr. Elisabeth Zenger and Dr. E'Lise Christensen for their help!

    I want to extend an extra warm welcome to the 56 new VetVine Members who signed up at our booth!  Welcome, y'all!

    • 2 posts
    August 16, 2016 12:34 PM EDT

    Hi Sheri,

    It was great to meet you during the final minutes of the convention.

    I just signed up for VetVine. I'm impressed with the depth, breadth, and quality of information I've found so far and feel like I've just scratched the surface! 

    Right now I've got to get back to writing an article about the convention. I’ve been a veterinarian for 33 years and have never been more proud to be an AVMA member than I am right now. The keynote address and many presentations associated with wellbeing were instrumental in this result. I met many people who are intent on helping veterinarians improve our wellbeing and continue to practice the profession we love. I am so grateful, really jazzed up!

    All the best,


    • 151 posts
    August 17, 2016 11:41 AM EDT

    It was great meeting you, Tad! So glad to have made your acquaintance and learn about your professional endeavors and passions. I look forward to learning more and seeing you online with us.

    - Sheri