Urinary tract infections (UTI) are generally classified as uncomplicated or they can be recurrent due to relapse or reinfection by virulent uropathogens. Other complicating factors that can contribute to recurrent UTI include poor hygiene, immunosuppression, and anatomic abnormalities.
In his discussion on Recurrent UTI and Prevention Strategies for Re-Infection, Dennis Chew, DVM, DACVIM provided this check list to reference when dealing with a patient with a recurrent urinary tract infection:
Learn more about Recurrent UTI, the causes, appropriate work up, and therapeutic considerations.
Management of patients with recurrent UTI can be frustrating - particularly when an underlying or complicating factor cannot be identified and/or treated. Patients are often prescribed long term antimicrobial therapy which can contribute to the development of antimicrobial resistance. In humans, cranberry extract has been shown to prevent recurrent UTI in women. Cranberries have a number of constituents (phytochemicals) and general heath benefits. Until recently, the effects of cranberry in veterinary patients was unknown.
In this week's Evidence Based Update we discuss a recently published study that examined the effects of cranberry in dogs with a history of recurrent UTI. Discussion includes:
View this Evidence Based Update (Running time: 18 mins)