Forums » Behavior

Tick Borne Infectious Diseases and Effect on Behavior

    • 151 posts
    May 3, 2016 1:56 PM EDT

    I've had a chance to preview the audience questions for our webinar on Tick Borne Infectious Diseases in North America, and wonder your thoughts on this question:

    Can tick borne infectious diseases be associated with changes in a dog's behavior ... in particular, aggression?


  • May 3, 2016 2:48 PM EDT

    Any illness that causes discomfort to an animal can increase an animal's frequency and/or intensity of aggressive responses.  Many tick borne illnesses can cause discomfort, for example a classic sign of Lyme Disease in dogs is shifting leg lamness.  There are very few reasons for an animal to limp or be lame that don't involve pain.