Forums » Behavior

Dealing With Aggressive Patients

    • 419 posts
    September 30, 2015 11:33 PM EDT

    Dr. Christensen referenced this video in her presentation on "Fear of the Veterinary Clinic and Veterinary Procedures." This video demonstrates an example of dealing with an aggressive patient.

    The Aggressive Dog

  • October 6, 2015 3:06 PM EDT

    Test your knowledge of low stress handling and restraint!

    This is a good video to practice what Traci Shreyer, MA calls "What Went Well" and "Even Better Yet"   

    If you're really into teamwork, do this with some buddies and compare notes afterwards. You'll learn and retain even more that way!  

    I'll come back and check your answers if you reply.  

    For this video answer the following questions:

    Question #1

    What went well in the video?  Or what did the veterinary-client teams do that probably helped this patient?

    Question #2

    What could have made the process "even better yet?"  Or what could this veterinary-client team do that could make this animal's experience more comfortable and safer for everyone?


  • November 26, 2015 12:58 PM EST

    Question 1:  WWW:  Already muzzled on arrival, elected to give IM sedation, did not leave him in the waiting room to get amped up, non-skid mat on table, vet staff kept their hands away, vet asked questions about behavior at home.

    Question 2:  EBY:  Oral anti-anxiety meds prior to arrival, sedate while on floor--the lift on the table had him dangling in the air (try the Ninja drive by sedation), after the injection have him in a quiet room with just owner while it takes effect,  cover eyes and decrease visual stimulation, dim the lights, vet should have avoided  saying he was "unfriendly" instead explain to the owner he is frightened,  minimize talking or speak more softly until sedated, pheromones-collar on dog and  diffuser in room, soft music

  • November 30, 2015 1:33 PM EST

    Hi Fiia,

    WOW!  You knocked it out of the ball park.  :)  Great comments!

    Dr C



  • November 30, 2015 9:46 PM EST

    Thanks Dr. C!  Thanks for this great exercise it was fun to do!  I am going to ask my own staff to take this little test and see what they come up with. I love the WWW and EBY concept.  A great way to learn!  I had a leg up because I was at the 2015 Clinical Animal Behavior Conference learning directly from the Amazing Traci Schreyer!  That Ohio team truly knocked it out of the ball park at the conference!  It was such a great conference, I  hope some of the VetVine People will join us next year! Its the place to be if you love behavior!

    Thanks again for all these fabulous behavior webinars!
