Forums » Behavior

PetSafe® - Raffle Prize Gift Basket Information

  • April 13, 2015 6:32 PM EDT

    In addition to their generous support of our 2015 Behavior series, PetSafe® is also sponsoring Raffle prizes to be awarded to attendees of live events this year! Here's some great information about prizes that are up for grabs:

    Busy Buddy® toy gift baskets - Busy Buddy® dog toys make playtime last longer by dispensing treats as your pet plays. They reward good chewing behavior and slow down eating to help manage weight. Pair the Busy Buddy® dog toys with your furry pal’s favorite treats or food to enrich their lives and to turn a bored dog into a busy dog!

    Treat&Train® - The Treat&Train® is a remote-controlled reward system for training dogs to behave appropriately. By targeting and rewarding desired behaviors, you redirect your dog’s focus away from undesired behaviors. Just imagine – no more barking at the door, jumping on guests, begging at the dinner table, or hyper-active attention seeking. Instead, you’ll enjoy a more rewarding relationship with a calm, well-mannered companion.

    Urine Marking event prize - This kit includes a variety of positive reinforcement training products. Clicker training is a scientifically proven method of training that helps you train your dog to perform desirable behaviors. The best way to clicker train is with lots of yummy treats held safely in your treat pouch! Busy Buddy® dog toys make playtime last longer by dispensing treats as your pet plays. They reward good chewing behavior and slow down eating to help manage weight. Pair the Busy Buddy® dog toys with your furry pal’s favorite treats or food to enrich their lives and to turn a bored dog into a busy dog!

  • April 28, 2015 7:28 PM EDT

    Thanks, PetSafe!  We truly appreciate your support.  I use the Treat and Train in practice all of the time.  I wish I could register for the raffle!  :)  Dr  C

  • May 19, 2015 9:15 PM EDT

    Love the treat and train. The more of these remote reinforcers available the better!

  • May 19, 2015 10:10 PM EDT

    Right, Debbie!  I keep dreaming of an invisible drone that drops treats exactly where I want immediately when I click the remote!  :)
