Forums » Internal Medicine - Small Animal

Postoperative Regurgitation and Vomiting in Dogs

    • Moderator
    • 26 posts
    February 10, 2015 1:29 PM EST

    Postoperative regurgitation or vomiting is undesirable in our veterinary patients for a number of reasons including the ill effect it can have on patient well-being, and prolonged hospitalization of affected patients which can lead to increased cost of treatment. It can also result in possible complications and undesirable outcomes including esophagitis, aspiration pneumonia, and increased tension on suture lines (associated with the retching), among others.

    Anecdotally, a survey of internal medicine specialists has indicated that the vast majority of esophageal strictures they have treated in their practice had developed after an anesthetic event.

    A recently published paper reports on the incidence and risk factors for postoperative regurgitation and vomiting. The findings of their study and the clinical implications and considerations for the practitioner are revealed in my discussion on the topic - view it on demand.  (Approved for CE credit by AAVSB RACE, New York and by the NJVMA).

    View This Evidence Based Update (running time: 12 mins)

    Reference: Incidence of and risk factors for postoperative regurgitation and vomiting in dogs: 244 cases (2000-2012) - JAVMA, Vol 246(3), Feb 1 2015, pp 327-335.

    • 419 posts
    March 5, 2015 11:41 AM EST

    Here is an excerpt from the live Roundtable discussion we hosted on this topic.

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