Forums » The Coaching Corner

Who is Gwen?

  • October 27, 2013 9:20 AM EDT

    Hello, my name is Gwen Pettit.


    I am very excited to be a part of this professional community and one of VetVine's Consultants.  I have been in the healthcare field for 35 years - serving in a variety of roles, ranging from staff physical therapist to interim hospital CEO.  I moved into coaching because I was frustrated with how difficult it was to make changes in a hospital environment.  I went back to school for organizational development and finished my Masters at Fielding Graduate University - including their evidence based coaching program.

    What I love about coaching is that the focus is on solutions and moving towards a positive change.  Coaching has both a sequence and a structure that acts as a guide towards helping clients reach their goals.  The most frequent question I get is: "what will coaching do for me?"  The best answer I can give is that you will get results.  You will see those results because coaching helps you design an action plan based on something urgent you need to change or improve.  The coach challenges you and holds you accountable to take actions that will move you towards your stated outcomes.

    As a coach I am your best advocate, supporter and your most persistent challenger.  I invite you to post any suggested topics you'd like to see addressed in this forum, or questions you have about coaching (or my approach).  Login and ask your question!

    • 151 posts
    November 17, 2013 4:53 PM EST

    A little more about Gwen:  

    Gwen Pettit, PT, MA, MS, ACC is a life coach that specializes in working with veterinary professionals who are stressed and overwhelmed with competing demands on their time. She has Masters in Organizational Development that included a one year academic coaching program from Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara; CA.  She is a certified coach with the International Coaching Federation with 8 years of experience coaching clients in healthcare, business and personal development.

    Her own background includes 35 years in healthcare with a variety of roles as a physical therapist, clinic manager, vice president and interim CEO of a hospital.

    Her coaching is focused on how to reduce stress and regain control over your life by creating a realistic plan for professional growth that supports self-development and healthy living.