Have you converted your Facebook Business Page to Timeline view yet? If not, I recommend doing so immediately. Everyone will be forced into it eventually, so why not be known as an early adopter?
You should take time to go through all the settings and permissions, familiarizing yourself with what’s new, and also reviewing your basic information, photos, and other available tools.
Here are some notable changes that come with the Timeline that you should be aware of:
When someone visits your page, even before “Liking” it they will see if any of their Friends have Liked or interacted with your page. At the Facebook Marketing Conference a study was presented showing that people are exponentially more likely to Like a page if they see that their Friends have.
You now have the option to receive Messages from Fans and potential Fans from your page. This option is under the Manage Permissions section, so you can enable or disable it at any time. It creates another, very easy way for people to reach you.
If you have a lot of photos you will notice some do not position correctly in the posts after converting to Timeline. If you click ‘Edit or Remove’ in the upper right of the post you will see the option to Reposition for better aesthetic viewing.
This won’t be my last post on Timeline, so stay tuned for more Timeline tips for making your page stand out!