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Top Stressors in Veterinary Practice

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    • 19 posts
    April 3, 2013 12:35 PM EDT

    Calling all Veterinarians, Technicians, Front Office Staffers and Managers!  What are your Top 3 Stressors and Top 3 Satisfiers in Veterinary Practice?

    A survey called the "Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue Survey" was given to veterinarians, technicians, office staffers and managers years ago to better understand causes of burnout and compassion fatigue.  We'll share more on this subject soon, but we'd like to know your thoughts.   Share your answers with us!  

    • 151 posts
    April 4, 2013 10:01 AM EDT

    Stressors:  1)  Running behind in an appointment schedule - keeping clients waiting.  2)  Concern about my patients that are in a guarded or poor status or situation - when they've been sent home and I am not able to monitor complicated corneal ulcers, IOP, severe intraocular inflammation, etc. - things that can affect patient morbidity and visual outcome.  3)  As an administrator - dealing with clients who are upset or angry - particularly when there have been employee(s) mis-steps that have resulted in the situation.

    Satisfiers:  1)  Seeing the results of my treatment - improved appearance, comfort and / or vision in my ophtho patients.  2)  Client satisfaction and gratitude (that goes for the patient, too! :))   3)  As an administrator, having co-workers and employees who embrace the culture of the practice and contribute to the greater good of the team, respecting and upholding decisions made - whether they are happy about them or not.

    • 151 posts
    June 3, 2013 5:30 PM EDT

    Katherine Dobbs, RVT, CVPM, PHR revealed the Top 3 Stressors and Top 3 Satisfiers in practice for veterinarians, technicians, and the front office staff in her talk on "Compassion Fatigue: The "Cost" of Caring.  Here's an excerpt: