Forums » Ophthalmology

Medicating dogs with GRPU

    • 419 posts
    December 23, 2020 6:27 PM EST

    This question was submitted during the webinar titled: PU - What's That? Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis:

    My Golden Retriever was prescribed both neopolydex and diclofenac QD. The ophthalmologist had us stop the neopoly and then the inflammation returned within days. The same thing happened when we tried to discontinue the diclofenac. Is there a problem with keeping him on both medications?

    Dr. Wendy Townsend, DVM, MS, DACVO responded:

    If redness returns if he is not on both medications, then there is no problem at all with continuing both medications. Your ophthalmologist is doing exactly what I would do: finding out for your individual dog what combination of medications is needed to keep the condition controlled. Some need more medications than others. If both are needed, then both medications are what I would use.