Forums » Pet Health Pearls

Noise Sensitivity versus Phobia - What's the difference?

    • 419 posts
    February 27, 2020 10:14 AM EST

    A sensitivity or fearful behavior in association with loud noise (e.g. thunderstorms, fireworks, or other sounds) is a very common problem of dogs. 

    In this VetVine Case-based Learning segment, veterinary behavior expert Dr. Christine Calder discusses the case of "Shai" (a service dog) and shares his story to highlight keys to working through a behavior problem (in this example - reactivity to noises), as well as considerations for differentiating anxiety-related behavior from a true phobia. 

    Discussion includes physical aids that were helpful in managing this dog's aversion to noise, demonstration of a desensitization and counterconditioning technique that was employed in his management, as well as pharmacologic interventions that were considered and administered.

    Running time: 27 mins
    View as Non-CE credit: $4.99
    View & Earn 0.5 hr CE credit: $20

    *Approved for CE credit for veterinarians and technicians by the AAVSB RACE program, NY State and the NJVMA. The method of delivery is online and non-interactive.
    Be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories &/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery of CE.

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