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Dog Barks at Computer Noises and Vacuum Cleaner

    • 419 posts
    September 7, 2018 1:23 PM EDT

    Question submitted as part of the Crash, Boom, Bang: Update on Canine Noise Phobia Treatments webinar:

    My 4-year-old male OES (rescued a year ago) barks at computer video noise and vacuum cleaner. I'm trying to keep treats near the computer to give him when sound is on. Is this a good idea?

  • September 7, 2018 1:46 PM EDT

    Yes, great start! I would reduce the volume as much as possible and watch the dog’s body language for signs of fear and anxiety. You could record the vacuum cleaner sound and counter condition the dog using the recording. I would try to avoid exposure to the sounds while you are working on this if at all possible.