Forums » Internal Medicine

Vaccination and IMHA

    • 419 posts
    August 23, 2018 2:01 PM EDT

    Questions submitted during the Underlying Disease Screening in Dogs with IMHA webinar related to vaccination and IMHA:

    Is there a correlation between vaccination timing and development of IMHA? Should we be doing titering instead of automatic vaccination?

    I have an Australian Shepherd bitch that was diagnosed with IMHA 7 weeks after whelping her 2nd litter.  The practicing clinic suggested that I should not give her any additional vaccinations, etc. What are your thoughts?  She has been healthy since this diagnosis.  We almost had to give her a transfusion.  Very scary time.  She’s my heart dog ... what do you think her chances are in her having a relapse?   It’s been 3 years.




    • 14 posts
    August 29, 2018 11:39 AM EDT

    One study showed evidence that vaccination within 30 days was associated with IMHA in some patients, while another study did not show this. It is theoretically possible that vaccination in individual patients might trigger immune-mediated disease. More studies are needed to determine which factors in an individual patient might contribute to its development. The evidence for whether vaccination is associated with IMHA in dogs is summarized in the upcoming ACVIM consensus statement.

    The risks of infection and development of adverse effects need to be weighed for each individual patient and it’s a decision you should make with your veterinarian.