Publications  » Cardiology  » Understanding Feline Heartworm Infection: Disease, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Understanding Feline Heartworm Infection: Disease, Diagnosis, and Treatment

  • Title: Understanding Feline Heartworm Infection: Disease, Diagnosis, and Treatment
  • Description:
    Topics in Companion Animal Medicine Vol 25(4): November 2010; pp 224-230.
  • Category: Cardiology

  • Abstract / Overview:
  • Feline heartworm disease is a very different clinical entity from canine heartworm disease. In cats, the arrival and death of immature heartworms in the pulmonary arteries can cause coughing and dyspnea as early as 3 months postinfection.  Adult heartworms suppress the function of pulmonary intravascular macrophages and thus reduce clinical disease in chronic feline heartworm infection. Approximately 80% of asymptomatic cats self-cure. Median survival time for symptomatic cats is 1.5 years, or 4 years if only cats living beyond the day of presentation are considered.