Continuing Education  » Human-Animal Bond  » Human-Animal Bond: Euthanasia Pre-planning - Preserving and Protecting the Bond

Human-Animal Bond: Euthanasia Pre-planning - Preserving and Protecting the Bond

CE Event Information

  • Description:
    In the case of euthanasia, there are no do-overs. Providing a smooth and seamless experience and peaceful passing is paramount to a good euthanasia experience for the pet owner, the veterinary team, and the pet patient.

    In this segment - Part 1 of a 3-part series - Dr. Kathleen Cooney discusses how to assist and guide pet owners with decision making for euthanasia, components of a euthanasia experience and how to determine and align with a client's desires and needs, and the importance of euthanasia pre-planning to foster as good of an experience for all involved including the pet, the pet's family, and the veterinary caregiving team.

    Running time: 24 mins
  • Sponsor: ASPCA Pet Health Insurance, CAETA
  • Presenter(s): Kathleen Cooney DVM, MS, CHPV, CCFP