Continuing Education  » Internal Medicine - Small Animal  » What works for those dogs with chronic gastrointestinal diseases? - A nutritionist’s ...

What works for those dogs with chronic gastrointestinal diseases? - A nutritionist’s perspective

CE Event Information

  • Description:
    Dogs with chronic or chronic, intermittent gastrointestinal (GI) diseases are commonly encountered and these cases can be challenging for veterinary care providers and frustrating for pet owners. Although important, diagnostics are often negative or do not provide the practitioner with a clear indication on how to resolve or manage that dog with chronic GI disease.

    From this nutritionist’s perspective, the missing key for managing chronic GI diseases is using a multimodal approach that tries to normalize gut and microbiome functions. Thoughtful selection of medications, probiotics, and diet - with an exact feeding plan - is essential to managing these patients. Obtaining owner compliance and instituting appropriate follow up is also necessary for success.

    This webinar will include case examples to inform on what really works for dogs with chronic GI diseases. Discussion will include:

    - How to use a multimodal approach to managing canine chronic gastrointestinal diseases
    - How to institute patient-specific monitoring to optimally treat and manage canine chronic gastrointestinal diseases
    - How to use food allergy concepts to achieve client compliance and successful management

    Running time: 58 mins followed by 14 mins of Q and A

    Fee:  FREE for VetVine Premium Membership subscribers

  • Sponsor: Visbiome Vet
  • Presenter(s): Donna M. Raditic DVM, DACVN, CVA
  • Fee (Basic Membership): $30