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The Impact of Chronic Disease Management on Caregivers

    • 419 posts
    October 21, 2017 1:42 PM EDT

    People and pets affected with a chronic illness or medical condition generally require day to day attention to ensure their well being and adherence to monitoring or treatment recommendations. This oversight often becomes the responsibility of a caregiver or their family.

    Long-term management of any chronic condition is often accompanied with lifestyle change requirements for both the affected person or pet and their family. Certainly, ensuring the highest quality of life possible should be the focus of those prescribing and providing that care.

    In a recent Specialty Update, Julie Nettifee, BS, RVT, VTS (Neurology) discussed the findings of a study that examined the impact of epilepsy in dogs on their caregivers. The study findings shed light on the financial impact of this disease as well as perspectives and considerations for pet care professionals working with owners of pets affected with epilepsy or any chronic medical condition.

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