Forums » Behavior

The Dominance Theory

    • 419 posts
    April 28, 2015 10:17 PM EDT
    A question from an attendee of the Disorders of Anxiety, Fear, and Panic event:

    How do we get veterinarians to stop preaching dominance theory? 
  • April 28, 2015 10:38 PM EDT

    HA!  Once we do that, I can quit working!!! OK. Well after I win the lottery and that happens I can quit working.  


    I know this is frustrating for behavior-minded vets, trainers, the public, everyone "sciencey"...


    We just have to keep getting good information out there. GET MEDIA TRAINING and say YES to reporters (but only after you have had media training).  


    AND complain to the vet school in your area as much as you possibly can. Behavior is the music department of veterinary schools for the most part. Of course, that's ridiculous given that basically all illness are diagnosed first with a change in the animal's behavior and because behavior problems kill animals. Not to mention huge amounts of lost revenue to veterinarians.  


    Everyone has their own style of communication when dealing with different opinions. I try to take the informational route. Some things that come along with "dominance theory" can be useful. Some have serious potential to be harmful. Remember-  animal behavior has many zealots with belief systems that aren't amenable to facts. You are especially likely to get nowhere if you start by slamming someone's dearly held belief. Instead, I ignore the philosophy and just deal with what we have for facts as we know them at this time. For instance, Herron's article is wonderful.


    In addition, you can print off the American Veterinary Society for Animal Behavior's position statements on dominance, punishment, socialization, etc. for free. Staple your card to them and give them to the veterinary clinic. Now that I mention that, I should do those. I helped write the darn things for heaven's sake!  Here's the link:


    Hope that helps!  

    - E'Lise