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Money Mention

    • 151 posts
    April 23, 2014 5:43 PM EDT

    This morning I was walking my own dog in the park.  I wound up chatting with the owner of an adorable French Bulldog - from afar, I could tell it had some skin and eye problems. When she found out that I'm a vet, the conversation turned into stories of her pet's issues.

    As she started to tell me about each issue (some of which have required a specialist's attention), she prefaced each with how much money she spent at the vet. In one instance she "… spent $1000 and they didn't even find anything."

    I'm hell bent on changing how these stories are often told … always seeming to include a disparaging remark about how much $ was involved. Any thoughts? I'm convinced that "client care" / customer service didn't meet hopes or expectations … regardless of the outcome.