When I get stalled in a project or a task, I have to admit - the trouble often reverts back to (me) not wanting to make a decision. Here my perfectionism becomes my worst enemy. Wanting to get it all right or for everything to turn out "perfect" actually slows me down. Stopping to look at things differently helps me get out of "the stall."
When it comes to making choices, it's best to ask: "What happens if I do nothing?" That honest answer should be enough to jolt you into reality and move you towards taking an action.
So ... how do you make decisions in the face of complex choices? Try this four step question method to simplify the process. Ask yourself four critical questions to help make a decision with confidence:
This process will help you focus on your desired outcome, prioritize possibilities, and prepare you to take action. Research shows that linking motivation to action, or having a specific goal, creates more success for people.
What do I want?
Take the time to reflect on the consequences of your decision. Before you decide to take any action, it helps to consider which option is most attractive to you.
If your answer is "I want more free time," consider why you want it. How would having more free time on your schedule make you feel? Be specific on how much free time you need and when in the day you want it.
How badly do I want it?
To get more free time, what might you have to give up? Think of some things on your schedule that you would be willing to drop or do less of. What would you do in your free time that you are not able to do right now?
What resources do I need?
Start by listing all of the activities that you are currently involved in. What could you drop or pass to others? Could you ask other people for help or delegate some tasks to them? Consider what skills, tools or training would help you effectively plan out your day.
What are the consequences if I do nothing?
How will you feel if, in three months, your schedule stays as busy as it is now?
What are you missing out on because of your current pattern?
Now you have a decision that requires action to make it happen. Small steps taken every day will support your decision and keep you motivated to place value on your free time.
Share your decision with friends and those who will help support your choices. Consider finding a coach to help you stay on track and change your habits - in the end, help you to stick to your plan.