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Early GRPU - Treat or not treat with drops?

    • 419 posts
    December 23, 2020 6:29 PM EST

    This question was submitted during the webinar titled: PU - What's That? Golden Retriever Pigmentary Uveitis:

    Is there any research on treatment of early PU vs no treatment? My dog was recently started on Ketorolac 1x/day.

    Dr. Wendy Townsend, DVM, MS, DACVO responded:

    In the study where we followed 29 dogs, there were only 2 dogs that did not receive treatment. One had problems with corneal ulcers that prevented us from using the topical drops. She also already had glaucoma. The other dog, the owner had chosen not to give the drops. Over time that dog’s disease progressed. Every other dog in the study was treated because we did not feel it would be ethical to not give treatment. From following dogs on treatment from early in the disease their rate of progression (so how fast the disease got worse) was very slow, suggesting that the drops were helping.